Fits Watts Premier 500024, 7 Annual Pack Replacement Filter Kit

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  • Compatible with Watts Premier 500024, 7 Annual Pack Replacement Filter Kit
  • RO FILTER KIT CONTENTS:  Annual 7-Pack Filter kit includes Two - 5 Micron Sediment Filters (104017), Four - 5 Micron Carbon Pre-Filters (101009) Made of high quality activated carbon, One - 10" GAC (Granular Activated Carbon) Inline Post-Filter (560010).
  • REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER FILTER: Maintain your Watts Premier 5 or 6 Stage Reverse Osmosis Filtration System with this Annual 7-Pack Filter Kit to keep your home filled with crystal clear, high quality drinking water. It is more economical and the water replacement filters are NSF compliant.
  • In order to maintain your system in its top performance it is recommended to change out the Sediment and Carbon Pre-filters every 6 months, the GAC Inline Post-Filter should be changed out annually. This will ensure you have crystal clear, high quality and great tasting water!
  • RO FILTER PERFORMANCE: The Sediment Pre-Filter reduces dirt, silt and rust which affect the taste and appearance of your water. The Carbon Pre-Filter reduces chlorine taste and odors, also conditions the water before it is treated by the reverse osmosis membrane. The GAC Inline Post-Filter removes chemicals that give objectionable odors or tastes to water such as hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs odor) or chlorine.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Great filters

These filters work great. No taste in the filtered water.


I've purchased this before and it works very well to filter the water for the whole house. It's worth the money to get this product.